Passwords & Data security

A digital unprotected message is comparable to a postcard that can be read at any time when sent. A letter with an envelope is like an encrypted message.

In this course »Passwords & Data security«, awareness is raised in dealing with (in)secure access to data. You will learn about the use and importance of strong passwords and methods to create and remember strong passwords yourself. Furthermore, it is about the development and application of decision trees (using secure passwords as an example) and other methods for encrypting data.

You can find all information about the project at

Self-paced since November 1, 2021
Language: English

Course information

On their way to their destination, messages pass through many server nodes that can intercept or read data. To protect oneself from this, it is possible and necessary to secure one's own messages with encryption procedures. A digital unprotected message is comparable to a postcard that can be read at any time when it is sent. A letter with an envelope is like an encrypted message. However, it is not only messages that should be secured against unauthorised access; a smartphone without password protection, for example, is also open and can be viewed by anyone, just like a postcard.

In this course, awareness is raised in dealing with (un)secure access to data. You will learn about the use and importance of strong passwords and methods to create strong passwords yourself. In addition, you will learn about the development and use of decision trees (using secure passwords as an example) and other methods for encrypting data.

Goal and framework

  • The goal of the course is to provide you with content-related assistance in developing the most important concepts on the topic of passwords and data security, as well as didactic recommendations for teaching them in class.

  • No previous experience or special equipment is necessary to get started; the focus here is on establishing a basic knowledge of securing data and access.

  • The course consists of introductory videos, cybersecurity training, explanatory videos as well as additional practical teaching handouts (as links), the opportunity for exchange and consolidation in the discussion forum, and short learning objective checks.

  • The basis for this course is provided by the course How do I navigate the internet.


  • Allow sufficient time for each topic.
  • Use a notebook for the course to write down your own insights, ideas and questions about the topic.
  • Consider the content as inspiration for your own teaching practice and question critically.

Certificate of attendance

  • Upon completion of at least 70% of the course, you will receive a certificate of course attendance. Take the opportunity to participate in the entire course series to receive your Teach the Teacher Cybersecurity certificate.

Who this course is for

  • Teacher
  • Educational Professionals

Course contents

  • Overview:

    What is behind this course? What is the content, how does it work and what do you take away? Here you can find out how it starts.
  • Passwords:

    As complex as possible, as long as possible.... ? What does a strong password need? Learn through practical applications what a secure password looks like and how you can create and remember strong passwords yourself.
  • Security starts with passwords:

    A well-chosen password is an important step in terms of data security! How secure is your password? You design a decision tree to evaluate your passwords and design it interactively.
  • Passwords have limits:

    Even if used correctly, passwords have limited protection against unauthorised access. What can be done to protect against hacking? Another option is to encrypt data. In this section, you will gain your first experience with the basics of an encryption technique using a practical example.
  • Cybersecurity training:

    What does cybersecurity cover? Our experts provide you with complementary and in-depth insights into the myriad aspects of cybersecurity.
  • Closing

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This course is offered by

Teach the Teacher Cybersecurity

Behind Teach the Teacher Cybersecurity is a dedicated team made up of Fraunhofer IAIS, Junge Tüftler, Cybersecurity experts, and Roberta coaches.

Our funding partners are EIT Digital and Fraunhofer IAIS.